Top Five Reasons You Should Consider Transfilling

Have you considered filling your own oxygen cylinders lately? Most companies can pay for a liquid to gas system in the first year and save about $10,000! The average savings over five years is $182,865! 
Now with competitive bidding and cost cutting, there has never been a better time to start filling oxygen!
  1. My supplier is increasing my oxygen cost, but I am getting paid less!
    SOLUTION: By filling your own cylinders you can increase your profits by 50% or more. Typically, an oxygen filler can pocket up to 2 bucks a cylinder or more by filling the cylinders themselves (a typical E cylinder is about 55 cents).
  2. I think my supplier is losing or damaging my cylinders.
    SOLUTION: By filling your own cylinders, your cylinders never leave your control.
  3. I think my supplier is overcharging me for my rental cylinders.
    SOLUTION:When you buy cylinders from Applied, you can either purchase by pallet (with free shipping) or lease to own the cylinders when you purchase your system.
  4. I don't have enough cash.
    SOLUTION: By filling your own cylinders you cut your oxygen costs dramatically. This will free up your cash flow so you can use your cash for anything.
  5. My supplier makes the regulatory requirements sound complicated.
    SOLUTION: No compliance, regulatory or accreditation worries! Applied does it all! We can register you with the FDA, provide you with compliant labels, give you up to date documentation required by the FDA and train you!

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